Friday, 12 June 2009

Australia’s Biggest Morning Tea

At this annual event in May 2008, quilters were invited to participate in a community quilt project in which the final product would be raffled in aid of Queensland Cancer Council in 2009. Each quilter was given squares of black and white material which they were to machine embroider with their favorite stitch. Once all the squares were returned they were made into a double bed quilt which was raffled as part of the fund raising for the 2009 event.

Saturday 23 May 2009, saw the 2009 Boolboonda Memorial Hall come to life with up to 70 quilters, some brought their partners. We were blessed with visitors from Childers, Maryborough, Bundaberg, even WA was represented. A major part of the day was a “show and tell” by a number of quilters, explaining the design, the materials used and how much time was spent on their labor of love. Moring tea of scones, cakes and slices were made by the members of the Boolboonda Hall Quilters. During the day six quilts that were made by the Boolboonda Hall Quilters were presented to a representative of the Kolan Aged Care Facility.

Lunch (sausage sizzle) was cooked by John & Chris, partners of Boolboonda Hall Quilters Maria & Denny, which added a sizeable amount to the fund raising for the day. To date the total raised on the day for Cancer Foundation is in excess of $700 – very good effort ladies.

The lucky winner of the black and white quilt was one of our visitors from Maryborough – congratulations.

The theme for next years Biggest Morning Tea Quilt will be “orphan blocks” so if anyone has made a quilt and has made too many blocks we would be more than happy to take them off your hands, to be used for a very worthwhile cause.
A very warm thank you to all who helped, participated or attended this years function. We would also like the thank Woolworths Supermarket at Sugarlands for their donation towards the day. If you want to have a really good day out and help raise funds for the Queensland Cancer Council please make a note of this date “22 May 2010” because we will be doing all again next year.

1 comment:

julie said...

Ladies, looks like you all had a great day. I was sorry I didn't make it. The room sure is packed with lots of lovely quilts. Congratulations to you all. Penne!!! can I see more apples?
