Tuesday, 20 October 2009


Julie and John.

Our good friend and fellow quilter, Barb.


Shopping is always fun.


Mrs Porter

Lyn and Evilyn laughing again.

Di and Pene pinning another quilt.

More shopping.

Erin and Maria sewing.

One of our many meal times.

Well, what a weekend we had! We gathered at the Boolbbonda Memorial Hall at 8.30am on Saturday with the intent to have fun, and fun we had! We ate, sewed, talked, ate, laughed, talked, cried, ate, and sewed some more. We were honored to have Trevor and Ivey from Van Cotten’s of Howard bring their shop to us. We had fabric and thread at our finger tips to start a new project as we felt the urge. We were entertained by the antics of our good friend Barb who throw lollies at everyone who laughed at her. We were spoiled with great food and plenty of it. We would just finish one meal and we would be called for another! Pene did a great job keeping the food coming. Trevor was great at washing up when he wasn’t cutting fabric for us. Then Sunday breakfast came with a surprise when our cook showed up in a very pink frilly apron. Poor Julie just couldn’t cope with that and nearly lost control of herself! But the bacon, eggs and sausages were worth it.
Thank you to everyone who came to visit us over the weekend. Weather you came to shop, talk, cook, wash up or just sticky beak, you all helped make our weekend the success that it was. We will be doing it all again next March. If you want a fabulous weekend, do yourself a favour and book in with Pene now.

This is a bow tie cuddle quilt made for Gin Gin Lions by Marg and quited by Pene.

This is Di's quilt. Di made this quilt for one of her cousins. Elfi is helping Di hold her quilt.

Tuesday, 13 October 2009

This quilt was going to be a "bath mat". But it grew and grew into a good size quilt. It turned out so well that it has now been donated to Gin Gin Lions Club to be raffled to raise funds for the Medical Research Personality Quest.
This is another cuddle quilt made for the Gin Gin Lions Club. This quilt top is very special. The top was sewn together by Maria’s nieces, Monique (13) and Maya only 6 years old! What a wonderful job they did and they were very proud to think they were doing something to help make a sick child feel better. Congratulations girls!
This is a cuddle quilt made from Churn Dash blocks for the Gin Gin Lions Club.

Monday, 28 September 2009

This quilt was made by Marg. She has made it for her Grandson's 20th birthday and it was all sewn together on her treadle machine and hand quilted. Our Marg is wonderful.

Monday, 31 August 2009

Scrappy Nine Patch

Pene started this quilt some years ago, had it half finished, folded it up in its backing fabric, put it in the cupboard and forgot about it. As you can tell by the fabric it is well over 10 years old. After shifting house she was going through her stash, tidying it to put it in a smaller space, when she found it again. What a pleasant surprise. It is a scrappy nine patch, some of the blocks left over from a quilt she made for her youngest daughter. Now that it is finished she doesn't know what to do with it, but it won’t be go back into the box again.

Tuesday, 28 July 2009

Pene's Baskets

Pene would like to know if you can pick your basket, Julie?

These blocks where made for Pene some time ago by her friends. She has finally finished and it now has pride of place on her bed. You can't rush these things, can you?

This is another quilt made by Pene. The blocks have been hand embroidered by Pene's mum while in a nursing home and Pene has made into a quilt.

Lions Quilts

These quilts have been sponsered by Gin Gin Lions and made with love by caring members of our group for sick children in our community.

Friday, 12 June 2009

Cuddle Quilts

The Boolboonda Memorial Hall Quilters are now making "Cuddle Quilts" for Lions Club of Gin Gin. It is a huge honor and privilege to be asked to help bring some comfort and happiness to very sick children in our community. This photo shows the first of many quilts that will be made with love for these beautiful children.

Australia’s Biggest Morning Tea

At this annual event in May 2008, quilters were invited to participate in a community quilt project in which the final product would be raffled in aid of Queensland Cancer Council in 2009. Each quilter was given squares of black and white material which they were to machine embroider with their favorite stitch. Once all the squares were returned they were made into a double bed quilt which was raffled as part of the fund raising for the 2009 event.

Saturday 23 May 2009, saw the 2009 Boolboonda Memorial Hall come to life with up to 70 quilters, some brought their partners. We were blessed with visitors from Childers, Maryborough, Bundaberg, even WA was represented. A major part of the day was a “show and tell” by a number of quilters, explaining the design, the materials used and how much time was spent on their labor of love. Moring tea of scones, cakes and slices were made by the members of the Boolboonda Hall Quilters. During the day six quilts that were made by the Boolboonda Hall Quilters were presented to a representative of the Kolan Aged Care Facility.

Lunch (sausage sizzle) was cooked by John & Chris, partners of Boolboonda Hall Quilters Maria & Denny, which added a sizeable amount to the fund raising for the day. To date the total raised on the day for Cancer Foundation is in excess of $700 – very good effort ladies.

The lucky winner of the black and white quilt was one of our visitors from Maryborough – congratulations.

The theme for next years Biggest Morning Tea Quilt will be “orphan blocks” so if anyone has made a quilt and has made too many blocks we would be more than happy to take them off your hands, to be used for a very worthwhile cause.
A very warm thank you to all who helped, participated or attended this years function. We would also like the thank Woolworths Supermarket at Sugarlands for their donation towards the day. If you want to have a really good day out and help raise funds for the Queensland Cancer Council please make a note of this date “22 May 2010” because we will be doing all again next year.

Friday, 20 February 2009

Jo's Pinwheel

Jo is a marvel! This is Jo’s Pinwheel, the first quilt she started but only just finished because she had trouble matching fabric to finish the boarder. The end result has been great and I’m sure she is proud of her work.

Block of the month

While our magnificent leader has been off traveling the world, visiting family and socialising with friends, we have been hard at it sweating our little backsides off doing “block of the month” and putting them together for the Kolan Gardens Nursing Home. She left with instructions to “crack the whip” and get these done so we are now waiting with anticipation for her return and approval!