Friday, 26 February 2016

These would probably be the last pictures of Elfi's quilts

 For her darling hubby!!!

A comforter for the children's room at church

A lap quilt for a gentleman friend of ours of many many years

And last but not least for my brother

Here are some of the quilts and patchwork jobs Elfi has done in 2015 which have never been posted.....

This quilt set was made for a friend's grand-son (quilt, pillow cover, box and teddy)

This quilt is going to Switzerland for a friend's grand-daughter

This quilt was made for our oncologist's son

One for another friend's grand-son

Another set, quilt and teddy, goes to Switzerland to my niece's latest little boy.

For the baby boy of our GP

A table mat for a friend

My first try at a quillow

Some of the work Elfi has done in the past months, a lap quilt for a friend and some boxes for little presents 

Elfi made this wall hanger for the Cancer Care Unit in Bundaberg where her husband goes for chemo