Friday, 24 August 2012

How cute is that....

With Christmas really not that far away, Margarete is already getting busy making gifts for her grand-children!!!!

Finally we get to see another beauty of Marj

Marj has made this lap quilt with "leftovers" but she doens't know yet who will be the lucky owner....

A scrappy one....

Elfi hopes this quilt will make a little boy's pleasure! It started as a scrappy quilt then was left abandoned in a cupboard for nearly 3 years, and as little Sebastien is 5 years old now, it was decided it needed a bit more sizing. So borders were added on the left and right and a special  boyish border on top.

Some of Maree's quilts for her great grand-children

As you can see Maree has been quite a busy bee!!!

Margarets 3D logcabin

Christmas Swap Project 2011

This was the quilt Elfi has made for the Christmas Swap Project 2011, which never happened as a few didn't get theirs finished on time. This quilt will now go as a present to one of her friends to Switzerland.

Thursday, 23 August 2012

Special quilt for Grace

This beautiful quilt was made by Margarete and some parishioners of St.Michael's Catholic Church to bless sweet little Grace, a little girl with very special needs

Finally, finally, finally.......

I get to post a few pictures of the last Girl's Night In (before the next one is on....)

Doesn't our place look romantic!!!

The bunch....!!!!

Birthday celebration

This is the lady who goes through all the trouble organising it all!!!

A bargello

We also got to celebrate Nicki's birthday and our 2 Margarete's !!!!

Now we are all looking forward to the next Girl's Night In.